Friday, February 25, 2011

A little unorganized!

So I am all over the place! I don't know whether I am coming or going. I spend so much time figuring when i have time to do things its crazy. When I came to the conclusion I was unorganized is when I realized I was not taking enough time out my schedule to study for my classes. I have too busy thinking about the company that I pushed everything else aside, including laundry.

My first semester of school I took a class that was meant to transition you from high school or the corporate world to college. They talked a lot about planning and managing your time effectively. Setting a time and day for everything on your agenda to get done. I truly thought it was the most boring class I have came across and now I wish I would have paid more attention. I believe I still have the book boxed up somewhere, so I will be dusting that bad boy off and putting that money to use (maybe by possibly opening the book up this time, lol)

By adjusting my schedule, this means I also have to adjust the schedule of my children. Making sure they are situated so I can get things done. I hated to be that person that is on schedule but being a full time mom, student and business owner, you have to do it. And just think, I was thinking about finding a part time job. With my schedule, I don't see it. So today is the last day my blog will be out of sync. By tomorrow, I will be on a new schedule. I can't wait.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Customized Wishing wells/ Cardbox

I chose to share this on the blog today because it means a lot to me.
I designed this replica of the St. Louis Busch Stadium for my sister's wedding. The couple loved the Cardinals and wanted to shared something personal with their family and friends.

I apologize that I don't have any drafts of this project. Only because it was a long process and I didn't have time to takes pictures. But I will be making another one in a couple of weeks so hopefully you will be able to see the process.

I'm glad my sister and new brother in law loved it.
Me standing next to my creation on her wedding day!@

Who said she can't craft?

Well actually no one said it. I'm known by my family and friends to be a big crafter. Instead of Barbies dolls and makeup, I wanted a sewing machine and sketching set. I remember my first sewing machine. I believe I was in middle school. My oldest sister gave it to me for Christmas. It didn't work really well because I wanted to sew denim and heavy fabrics that tore into the machine. But I still loved it dearly. And guess what, it still is in my mom's attic waiting on my daughters to use.

I love crafts. Its like music to soul. When I am crafting, nothing else in the world matters. Its like ice cream to a kid. Without my hands, I'm nothing.

So you might be wondering why in the world and I starting a blog about my crafts. Well the book I bought today, "Homemade Marketplace" By Kari Chapin, suggested I do so. She claims by blogging, not only do I get a chance to network and make new friends, but it also brings in business. All the things I am looking forward to.

A little about me. Well I am married to my best friend, Jerry. Honestly I don't know how I survived without him. We've been married for 8 years and even though it hasn't always been as peachy as it is now. We worked hard and built a foundation that can't be easily broken. Love is beautiful when it is shared with the right person. We have 3 beautiful and very spoiled children. There names all began with the letter J. I don't know why. It was cool at first but not its annoying because I get confused and call out all three names at the same time when I only meant to call out one, lol.

I am student at Harris Stowe State University and studying Business Administration with a minor in entrepreneurship. Even though I'm usually the oldest one in my class (28) I love being back in school. It feels good to get the "A's" I didn't achieve in high school. I am also the owner of the company "Faith is Fabulous". It has customized gifts ranging from Diaper Cakes, Wedding Bouquets, Candles, Tutu's and so much more. I love being my own boss but there are a lot of ups and downs to it.

Which brings me to what this blog will talk about. We will discuss, the ends and outs of being a business owner. Some of my favorite links and websites. I have some tutorials I want to share with you, which you can also find on this page and so much more. We're going to have so much fun!!!!! Are you ready? Because I'm ready..........Lets go!!!